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December 14–Congratulations to Nicole Richie and Joel Madden who exchanged wedding vows in a beautiful winter ceremony this past weekend. The lovely couple, who have two kids together and announced their engagement in February, married at father Lionel Richie’s Beverly Hills estate where two tents were set up for the ceremony on a warm evening.

But here’s the twist: there was an elephant with an elaborate headdress seen entering the premises! Richie once said she wanted a lavish wedding with elephants that represent good luck, lots of people and a horse-drawn carriage. Looks like her wish was fulfilled. Celebrity guests included Kris Jenner, Khloe Kardashian & Samantha Ronson.  We wish them a lifetime of happiness!

Just married: Nicole Richie & Joel Madden

December 7–From your friends at Robbins Brothers, we wish you a blissful holiday season and 12 romantic ways to propose marriage to the love of your life! Go ahead & make this festive time of year one to remember.

  1. Take her to see Santa. Have Santa tell her she’s on his nice list, then drop to one knee and surprise her with the engagement ring.
  2. Hire a group of Christmas carolers to sing in front of her doorstep, and change the chorus of “We Wish You a Merry Christmas” to “Will You Please, Please Marry ‘Michael’?”
  3. Hide the engagement ring in an ornament box and hang it from the tree on Christmas Eve, with a note instructing her to open it.
  4. Enlist the help of neighbors to spell out “Will You Marry Me?” in Christmas lights on her front lawn.
  5. If your town has a holiday parade, get the girl scouts or high school marching band to unroll a banner with your marriage proposal as they walk down the street.
  6. Love Disneyland? The theme park’s decorations make any place inside a perfect place to propose.
  7. Escape from the stress of the city and get away to a romantic hotel or cabin. Propose to her under the stars.
  8. Get each member of your families to hand her a piece from a custom puzzle during your big dinner or dessert. The completed puzzle will be a picture of you proposing.
  9. If flying together is on the agenda in December, ask the crew to let you use the P/A system to propose when you’re in the air.
  10. Ask your local appliance store for a big empty box that would hold an unromantic item: microwave oven, vacuum, even a refrigerator. Wrap it like it’s the best appliance a girl could ever want. She’ll be thrilled when she finds the little tiny ring box after digging through the foam, newspapers and other filler.
  11. Find a local ranch or village that offers horse-drawn carriage or sleigh rides. A good-ole fashioned way to propose.
  12. Too nervous to propose at Christmas in a public way? Ask her to marry you on New Year’s Eve, with just the two of you and a bottle of champagne as the clock strikes midnight.

November 3–Our Facebook fans are the very best! They always offer such engaging discussion on topics of the day. Today’s question asked, “How do you know when you’re in love?” Some answers included:

Love is when you take away the feeling, the passion, the romance and find out you still care for that person.–Octavia

You respect each other and can’t imagine being with anyone else.–LaShanda

I don’t think love can be described by an action. LOVE is more of a state of mind. There can be so many different kinds of love: sad, mad, happy, confused and even scared. Love is when you know that no matter what happens, that person will always be by your side & nothing can change that.–Nick

You just know.–Tab

It’s a feeling you’ve never experienced before, like no other. You’re constantly smiling, have butterflies in your stomach when they come around. You want to be with him every moment of your life and you can’t breathe without him.–Fluff

What do you think? How did you know when you were in love?? See more answers at Robbins Brothers Facebook.

It’s the beginning of a three-day weekend and you’re planning to either go to the mall, the beach, or see a movie, right? Do something different and plan a date at the L.A. County Fair. This is opening weekend and what better way to say goodbye to summer than two cones of Dr. Bob’s famous ice cream, a ride on the Ferris wheel with your significant other, and a Lifehouse concert?

Admission is only $17 for adults on weekends, which is a bargain considering the Arclight and Goldclass  theaters charge the same price for a two hour movie.

And where else can you get a fried Klondike bar and then ride a giant slide? Yum-wheeeee.

See you this weekend in Pomona.

Diane – Robbins Brothers Blogger

Sandra Bullock and Jesse James. Reese Witherspoon and Ryan Phillippe. Jennifer Anniston and Brad Pitt. They looked great together. We loved them and their public statements of happily ever after. Either they’re just really great actors doing the work assigned by their publicists, or they really, truly had high hopes for their marriages. Re-visit the good times of bliss, dreams of having babies, and quirky and adorable habits shared with David Letterman, Ellen and Diane Sawyer on national TV:

June 28–Summer’s here and certainly the perfect season to spice up the love affair with your boo. The weather’s warm and I’m pretty sure he/she sets your heart on fire naturally, so we’ve been researching ways to make dating even more exciting for couples. Yes, Robbins Brothers wants you to experience the ultimate ‘summer of love’! Over the next few months, on this very blog, we’ll share some of our findings. In the meantime let’s start with the basics (And yes, I hope my sweetie is reading!):

Send flowers. Give Candy. Surprise with jewelry. Bring stuffed toys. Play romantic CDs. Date often. Also be sure to celebrate all of the key anniversaries: First date, first kiss, children’s birthday, engagement & wedding. Stay tuned for more romantic tips!  TL

May 12–It’s a great day, very productive and ummm kind of funny. Today we asked our Facebook fans to share the nicknames for their loved one. All I can say is….I’m pretty romantic but some of the responses are even a bit much for me! Let’s see, we have:

Baby, Babes, Boo, Daddy-O, Baby Boy, Hunny Bunny, Polar Bear, Lovey, Boobie, Tarzan, Pumpkin, Musclecakes, Randa Panda, Yummy, Snookie, Muffin, Turkey, Goober….and the list goes on!

Wow. All I can say is love is a wonderful thing and I guess there are no limits when it comes to terms of endearment. I’m not quite there yet. “Sweetie” and “Babe” are as far as I’ll go. But one of these days, you never know. I may meet the man who excites me so much that I call him “Sugar plum” or even my “Rockstar.”  TL

April 16–Congratulations to Robbins Brothers Facebook winners Cindi Sangenito, Malea Morse and Victoria Combre who were randomly selected to receive a Platinum goodie bag for sharing their “best date ever.” With over 100 responses received on the fan page, I am now convinced that romance is not dead. Whew, thank goodness. Check out some of the submissions…hmm, makes me want to go out on a date tonight! 🙂

“My best date was my first date with my husband. Dinner, movies, and of all things, Wal-Mart so he could check out the stuff for turkey hunting! Turns out it was the date that never ended. He moved in 4 weeks later, we were engaged 4 weeks after that, and we’ve now been married for 12 years.”  Veronica Lindsey

“My now fiancé took me to a Fiona Apple concert. He drove me home and we had our first kiss.”  Jessica Gonzales

“Best date ever was a double-date with one of my girlfriends and her husband. We attended the proposal ceremony of our mutual friend, then we had dinner, went to a baseball game, and then watched a movie and curled up on the couch! It was lots of fun and exciting to share the special moments with the newly engaged friends.”  Stephanie Beaton

“Going on a nice hike in the Hollywood Hills followed by a nice lunch. Simple but effective!!!”  Brauthigan Bessielaura

“Eating ice cream in bed and talking about life.”  Todd Carlson

“When me and my Beau spontaneously went to Arizona to hang out at the Colorado River. It was the first time we exchanged ‘I love you,’ then we stopped by Vegas on our way back home & walked along the strip for a couple of hours. It was awesome!” Annette Ooppapan

“My best date ever was with my boyfriend David! He took me to Vegas and asked me to be his girlfriend. It was the most romantic vacation I had ever been on.”  Nicole Cregg

Visit Robbins Brothers Facebook for more exciting dating stories…you might even come up with a few ideas of your own. If so, be sure to let us know (  TL

Shani Sabban lives in Sherman Oaks, California. Here is her Romantic Wish:

I don’t need material things to grant me a romantic wish. Spending time with the one I love anywhere in the world is ideal for me! Whether it be in our living room or on the moon, as long as we’re together my romantic wish has come true!

Vote TODAY for your Romantic Wish at

The romantic wish with the most votes receives a trip to Rome, Italy. Second place will win a gorgeous Amsale wedding dress, and third place will enjoy a private screening of the romantic comedy “When in Rome.”

Andrea Jablonski is from Los Angeles, California. Here’s her Romantic Wish:

Watching a La Jolla sunset with my new love of 6 months, I said, “I’d like to have a sunset jar someday-a jar we could each put a dollar in for every sunset we watch together.” I forgot about this wish until our one-year anniversary, celebrated on the same beach…my boyfriend gave me a beautiful amber glass jar and a card that read, “To many more sunsets together” along with a crisp dollar bill.

Vote TODAY for your Romantic Wish at